10 October 2011- 31 December 2014
'Oramics: Atlantis Anew' film on display at the Science Museum, London
An excerpt can be seen online on the Wire Magazine website:

27 June – 14 September 2014
‘Curiosity: Art and the Pleasures of Knowing’, Group exhibition Hayward Touring exhibition in association with Cabinet Magazine, curated by Brian Dillon
De Appel, Amsterdam

22 September 2014
‘Transform: Lis Rhodes and Aura Satz’, Screenings and conversation at Tate Britain

14 October 2014 -5 January 2015
‘Mirror City: London artists on fiction and reality’, Group exhibition at Hayward Gallery curated by Stephanie Rosenthal

22 October- 21 November 2014
'Chromatic Aberration’, Solo show at the Gallery, Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle

31 October 2014 – 11 January 2015
'They Used to Call it the Moon', Baltic, group exhibition curated by Alessandro Vincintelli

15 Nov 2014 - 9 January 2015
‘Dial Tone Drone’, New sound Commission for Telephone, outside Royal Academy London, featuring Pauline Oliveros and Laurie Spiegel

15th Nov - Launch performance with Elaine Mitchener and Jennifer Walshe at Hayward Gallery

24 January – 26 April 2015
‘Eyelids Leaking Light', Solo show at George Eastman Museum, Rochester, New York

24 September - 14 October 2015
'Onomatopoeic Alphabet' screening as part of Performance, Architecture, Materials, Sweden curated by Marianne Mulvey

7-18 October 2015
'Chromatic Aberration' Screening as part of FNC Lab Competition at the 44th Festival du nouveau cinéma, Montreal, Canada

16 October 2015
'Chromatic Aberration' Screening as part of the 59th BFI London Film Festival BFI Southbank, NFT3, London

27 October - 1 November 2015
'Chromatic Aberration' Screening as part of the Fascinations Competition at the 19th Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival, Jihlava, Czech Republic

12-17 November 2015
'Chromatic Aberration' Screening as part of the International Competition at the 17th International Film Festival Bratislava, Slovakia

3 December 2015 – 23 January 2016
'The Trembling Line', Solo show at John Hansard Gallery, Southampton

16 January – 20 March 2016
'Her Marks, a Measure', Solo Show at Dallas Contemporary, Dallas, Texas

27 Jan- 7 Feb
'Between the Bullet and the Hole’, European premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam

18 Feb 2016
UK premiere of ‘Between the Bullet and the Hole’, alongside other films at Whitechapel Gallery, London
Followed by discussion with Morgan Quaintance and David Alan Grier

18 March - 6 June 2016
'The future is already here - it's just not evenly distributed,' The Sydney Biennale, curated by Stephanie Rosenthal

26 June 2016
Premiere of short film about Laurie Spiegel as part of 'Deep Minimalism' festival curated by Oliver Coates, Southbank Centre

1 October 2016
'Her Marks, a Measure' solo show at Fridman Gallery, New York
Exhibition opening and catalogue launch, with newly commissioned essays by Justine Ludwig, Erika Balsom and Omar Khalif Artist in conversation with Justine Ludwig 1st of Oct 5pm (addition film screenings 26th Oct and 2nd Nov 7pm)

3 October 2016
Screening of ‘In and Out of Synch’ Flaherty NYC, curated by Genevieve Yue and Chris Stults, Anthology Film Archives, New York

5-28 October 2016
'Eyelids Leaking Light', Solo show at Clifford Gallery and artist's talk at Hamilton NY

21-31 July 2016
'Between the Bullet and the Hole' shortlisted for the EUROPEAN SHORTS Competition, New Horizons International Film Festival, Wroclaw, Poland

5-16 October 2016
'Little Doorways to Paths Not Yet Taken' shortlisted for Nouvaux Alchemistes, 45th Festival du Nouveau Cinema, Montreal

9 October 2016
'Between the Bullet and the Hole' screening as part of Experimenta, London Film Festival, BFI

28-29 October
'Kepler's Trial' An Opera by Tim Watts based on Ulinka Rublack's book 'The Astronomer & the Witch', with film elements by Aura Satz Premieres at St John's College, Cambridge

2 November 2016
'Little Doorways to Paths Not Yet Taken screening at the Showroom, London

10-20 November 2016
'Where there is Sea, there are Pirates / The Imagination is a Political Act', group exhibition at 3137 gallery, Athens

13 April - 27 August 2017
'As Above, So below: Portals, Visions, Spirits & Mystics', group exhibition at IMMA (Irish Museum of Modern Art), Dublin

29 May 2017 - 11 March 2018
'Open Space 2017: Re-envisioning the Future', group exhibition at NTT InterCommunication Center (ICC), Tokyo

29 September 2017 - 14 January 2018
'STARS', Group exhibition at Lentos Museum, Linz

12–15 Oct 2017
'Field Studies 2017: Listening after Pauline Oliveros’, Leeds, various venues

9 Nov 2017, 18.30 – 22.00
'Kepler's Trial’ at V&A, London
An Opera by Tim Watts based on Ulinka Rublack's book 'The Astronomer & the Witch’, with film elements by Aura Satz

30 Nov 2017, 7pm
'The Wail that was Warning and the Institute of Signal and Noise', Aura Satz and David Toop, London Review Bookshop, London

24 Jan - 4 Feb 2018
'Entangled Nightvisions' world premiere at the International Film Festival Rotterdam,

28-29 April 2018
Binaural version of 'The Trembling Line' installed as part of F(T) festival, hosted at Radialsystem V, Berlin

3-7 May 2018
'Entangled Nightvisions' screening at Alchemy Film and Moving Image Festival, Hawick, Scotland

7-10 June 2018
'Entangled Nightvisions' screening at CROSSROADS, San Francisco Cinematheque and SFMOMA, San Francisco

20 - 22 July 2018, Opening on July 19 at 6pm
'The Surface of the Sun', Group show at Contemporary Art Museum of Estonia (EKKM), Tallin

29 Sep - 08 March 2019
'Mappe Sonore', Micol Assael, Christina Kubisch and Aura Satz, Three-person exhibition at KunstRaum Goethe-Institut, Rome

8 Oct 2018 - 2 Jan 19
'Machines of Loving Grace', Nat Castañeda, Aura Satz and Erica Scourti, Three-person exhibition at High Line Art, New York

3-14 October 2018 'Entangled Nightvisions' shortlisted for Les Nouveaux Alchimistes competition at Montreal Festival du nouveau cinéma (FNC), Montreal

7 Nov - 21 Dec 2018
'Listen, Recalibrate', Solo show at Fridman Gallery, New York
Exhibition catalogue with essays by Christoph Cox, David Crowley and Barbara London

3 Nov 2018
In conversation with Christoph Cox at the Kitchen, NY, now online via Artforum

9 Nov 2018
Performance as part of 'Nature as Data' exhibition, Jing'an Sculpture Park, Shanghai

18 - 26 January 2019 'Preemptive Listening' shown as part of the Sharjah Film Platform, Sharjah

24 Jan - 3 Feb 2019
'Blackout', group exhibition at Kunsthal Rotterdam (touring to Ambika P3, London; GreyLight Projects, Brussels)

Wed 23 Jan 2019
Slow Looking at Art, broadcast on BBC radio 3s 'Free Thinking' Ways of
Seeing with artists Michael Craig-Martin & Aura Satz, scientist Daniel Glaser and art writer Kelly Grovier.

8th March 2019
To coincide with International Women's day, Jo Hutton and Louise Gray are
joined by Fari Bradley, Aura Satz and Beatriz Ferreyra discussing women’s
place in the history of electroacoustic music, Resonance FM

27th March 2019
Artist's film screening followed by talk at Kask cinema, Ghent

1-31st May 2019
'Dial Tone Drone', solo show at Auditorium Roma - Sound Corner, presented by Valentina Ravaglia
Auditorium Parco della Musica, Rome

22nd May 2019, 6pm
'Siren Voices with Aura Satz : Rewiring Memories of Technology', in conversation with Marina Warner
Birkbeck Artsweek

6 June – 26 August 2019
‘Dark Matter: 95% of the Universe is Missing’, group show, Science Gallery, London

7–9 June 'Crossroads', San Francisco Cinematheque, SFMOMA, San Francisco

June -Sep 2019
'Fire: Flashes to Ashes in British Art 1692-2019', Group exhibition at Royal West of England Academy, Bristol (with catalogue)

6 July 2019
'Telling Invents Told' in conversation with Lis Rhodes, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham

23-25 Aug 2019 Mini retrospective screening at Jupiter Rising at JupiterArtland, Scotland archive/2019

19-22 Sep 2019 'Preemptive Listening' Exhibition and artist talk, Berwick Film and Media festival, Berwick upon tweed

9-20 Oct 2019 'Preemptive Listening' shortlisted for Nouveaux Alchemistes prize, Festival du Nouveau Cinema, Montreal

8 Nov 2019 'Unexpected Views' at National Gallery, London

3-9 Dec 2019 'Preemptive Listening' shortlisted for Alteraciones prize, 31º Aguilar Film Festival, Palencia

7 Dec2019 'Resonant Frequencies' performance at Goldsmiths, organised by David Roberts Art Foundation, London

22 Jan-3 Feb 2020 'Making a Diagonal with Music', world premiere at International Film Festival Rotterdam, Rotterdam

5-19 Feb 2020 'Making a Diagonal with Music', US premiere at Doc Fortnight at MoMA, NY

4 May - 21 June 2020, 'All at Once' online group show curated by Regine Basha, Fridman Gallery, NY

13-18 May 2020 'Making a Diagonal with Music' shortlisted for competition at Oberhausen International Short Film Festival, Oberhausen

31 May 2020 'Instructions for Living a Life' Podcast for Block Universe by Sarah Shin & M.J. Harding w/ Claire-Louise Bennett, Field Recordings, Bhanu Kapil, Nisha
Ramayya, Tabita Rezaire, Himali Singh Soin, and Aura Satz.

26 June - 2020 'Art in the Age of Anxiety', group show at Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, curated by Omar Kholeif

10 July -1 August 2020 'Euphonia', online group show curated by Diana Policarpo, Hangar, Lisbon.

14 July 2020 DRAF (David Roberts Arts Foundation) Podcast: Ned McDonell in conversation with Anne Hardy and Aura Satz

1-14 August 2020 'Making a Diagonal with Music' shortlisted for EX-now competition, EXis Experimental Film and Video Festival, Seoul

11 August - 25 October 2020 'INVISIBLE' exhibition touring to Science Gallery Dublin

19-25 August 2020 'Preemptive Listening' screening at MIEFF (Moscow International Experimental Film Festival), Garage, Moscow

25 August - 8 Sep 2020 'Making a Diagonal with Music' shortlisted for Indiemusic competition, IndieLisboa International Film Festival, Lisbon

11 Sep 2020, online premiere of 'Tone Transmissions, 2020, telephone sound composition with Eliane Radigue, Julia Eckhardt and Rhodri Davies, featured on the Science Museum website as part of 'The Exchange' an online exhibition

22-25 October 2020, 'Making a Diagonal with Music' screening as part of She Makes Noise festival, La Casa Encendida, Madrid

25 November 2020 Sound Art: A Conversation with Aura Satz, at CRASSH, Cambridge University

17-30 Dec 2020 In Process online screening of works by (((arc))) and Sophia Wang / Paul DeMarinis / Aura Satz, curated by Tanya Zimbardo and Diego Villalobos

24 Feb - 1 March 2021 Visiting artist in residence, School of Arts Institute of Chicago, including artist talks and film screenings

21 April - 2 May 2021 'Preemptive Listening' as part of CPH: Forum, Copenhagen

9th June - 24 July 2021 (and touring into 2024) 'Seeing Sound' ICI group show curated by Barbara London, Kadist San Francisco
7th April Artist talk in conversation with Barbara London

1st June 2021 Online sound commission for 'Sonic Continuum' with music by Evelyn Glennie, Nottingham Contemporary

2nd July 2021 Interview with Luke Fowler for EIP (Everything is Permitted), Clyde Built Radio

10 July 2021, 'The Grief Interval', new commission with music by Sarah Davachi for Abandon Normal Devices/AND Festival commission, Liverpool

9 Sep - 31 Oct 2021 'FIGURE/S: drawing after Bellmer', group show at the Drawing Room, London

15 Sep - 28 Nov 2021 'Aboard my floating house' 10e Triennale d’art contemporain, le Centre culturel d’Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium

2 - 10 October 2021 Artist Special Focus screenings and live performance as part of VideoEx, Experimental film & Video Festival Zurich

5 Nov 2021 'Night Air Program', Sonic Acts, OT301, Amsterdam, and ongoing for Sonic Acts Feb 2022

5 Dec 2021 Live film performance with Mazen Kerbaj at Onassis Foundation, Athens, as part of Tectonics festival

1 Jan 2022 ‘Preemptive Listening’ as part of Shift Key, online film programme MOCA Toronto, curated by Carly Whitefield

4 Feb 2022 'Hacer una Diagonal con la Musica' screening as part of 'Looking at Listening: Films on Women and Experimental Music' at The Block Museum of Art, Evanston IL

4 Feb - 27 March 2022 Solo exhibition at ARTIUM, Museo Vasco de Arte Contemporáneo, Vitoria-Gasteiz

4-18 Feb 2022 Vdrome online, introduced by Ela Bittencourt

16-17 March 2022 'Preemptive Listening' talk and screening as part of 'Ages of Receivership: On Generous Listening' at Institute Art Gender Nature, FHNW, Academy of Art and Design in Basel on site and online. With Caroline Bergvall, Merve Yesilada Caglar, Bill Dietz, Nina Emge, Jazmina Figueroa, Virna Gulzari, Ayesha Hameed, Kate Lacey, Nour Mobarak, Dylan Robinson, Aura Satz, Stas Sharifullin, Li Tavor & Nicolas Buzzi, and Hannah Weinberger. Moderated by
Chus Martínez and Quinn Latimer. Research associate: Marion Ritzmann.

23 March 2022 'Barbara London Calling', podcast interview

7-10 April 2022 Films screening as parts of Rewire festival, the Hague

19 June 2022 'The Grief Interval' screening as part of The London Contemporary Music Festival (LCMF), Woolwich Works

24 July 2022 'Rock Talk: A conversation towards Geologic Listening: A conversation with Kodwo Eshun, Anjalika Sagar, Sukhdev Sandhu, Aura Satz, Cauleen Smith & Deborah Stratman', Union Docs, NY

15 Sep 2022 - 5 March 2023 'SIREN (some poetics)', curated by Quinn Latimer, AMANT, NY

8 Oct 2022, 'Preemptive Listening by Aura Satz with Raven Chacon,' film performance, as part of two year long-form Cinema Residency at Walker Arts Center, Minneapolis

15-16 October 2022 'The Future Waters of the Storm Surge' new film commission with live score by BJ Nilsen premiering at Sonic Acts, Amsterdam

15 Nov 2022 'Quantum Listening' Ignota book and prints launch at Reference Point, London, with artist Aura Satz, curator and writer Irene Revell and NTS creative director Tabitha Thorlu-Bangura, hosted by Ignota’s Sarah Shin and Susanna Davies-Crook

7 Dec 2022 Screening 'The Future Waters of the Storm Surge' (2022) at Kino Moviemento, Berlin as part of Kontraklang. Films and music by Olivia Block, Gunilla Sköld Feiler & Dror Feiler, Martin Grütter & Aron Kitzig, Christian Kesten, Patricia Martínez & Luis Paris, Makiko Nishikaze, Michiko Ogawa & Manuel Pessoa de Lima, Lis Rhodes, Julia Rommel, Aura Satz & BJ Nilsen

9 Dec 2022 'Little Doorways to Paths not Yet Taken' & 'Making a Diagonal with Music' screening as part of Mono-Poly, curated by Debris Facility and Liquid Architecture, Melbourne,

14 Jan 2023 'The Grief Interval' screening at Norient Festival, Kellerkino Moviemento, Bern

3-4 Feb 2023 Exhibition of 'The Trembling Line' as part of Strom festival for electronic music at Berliner Philharmoniker - including Aura Satz, Blawan, Hauschka + Kai Angermann, Juan Atkins, MARCEL DETTMANN, Nidia, Studio Robert Henke pres. CBM 8032 AV, transformed acoustix (members of Berliner Philharmoniker + Simon Stockhausen), Stefan Goldmann, upsammy, Wolfgang Voigt pres. GAS

11 March 2023, 'While Smoke Signals', a new film commission with live film score by David Toop, followed by Q&A, at Tyneside Cinema, Newcastle

7 April 2023, world premiere of 'Occam Delta XX', a newly commissioned score by Éliane Radigue (2022), featuring Rhodri Davies (harp), Julia Eckhardt (viola), Aura Satz (film) at REWIRE festival, the Hague

9 April 2023, 'Occam Delta XX', a newly commissioned score by Éliane Radigue (2022), featuring Rhodri Davies (harp), Julia Eckhardt (viola), Aura Satz (film) at Variations Festival, Le Lieu Unique, Nantes

9 June - 6 August 2023 'Warnings in Waiting,' solo exhibition at Kunsternes Hus, Oslo

12 July- 25 August 2023, 10th Anniversary show, Fridman Gallery, NY, curated by Regine Basha

29 July - 03 Sep 2023, 'A Pluriverse Siren', solo show at Te Uru Waitakere Contemporary Gallery, Auckland

August 2023 - October 2024, Her Luminous Distance' on display as part of permanent collection, Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery, Washington DC

24 August - 17 Oct 2023 'Her Luminous Distance' on display at The Harvard College Observatory, Center for Astrophysics, Harvard & Smithsonian

6 October 2023 - 10 Dec 2023 'Spinning in Place', group show at 601Artspace NY, curated by Sophie Landre

27 October - 16 Dec 2023 'Seeing Sound' curated by Barbara London, Haverford College in Pennsylvania and touring

9 Nov 2023 - 7 Jan 2024, solo show at Museu de la Musica as part of LOOP Barcelona, curated by Carolina Jimenez

27 Nov-10 Dec 2023 Artist production residency at EMPAC, Troy NY

Artist page on the website of The Wire: Adventures in Modern Music: to accompany the cross-platform feature on my work in the September 2010 issue:
An excerpt of the filmic installation 'Sound Seam'
An excerpt of 'Automamusic'
An excerpt of 'Oramics: Atlantis Anew',
An excerpt of 'Vocal Flame',
Short film on the Theremin virtuosa Lydia Kavina,
Listen to an excerpt of 'Dial Tone Drone' on
Excerpt of 'The Trembling Line' on

Huffington Post commissioned blog
Interview on the Creators Project website
Artist's profile in Diva Magazine
Frieze magazine focus article
Interview on the Ear Room website:
Animate projects interview:
'Colour Opponent Process’ review in This Is Tomorrow
‘Colour Opponent Process’ review in Art Agenda
‘Colour Opponent Process’ review in Photomonitor
'Inside the Dial Tone-Inspired Sound Art Exhibits of Aura Satz', The Creator's Project
'1000 words: Aura Satz' in Artforum
'The Playlist', The Guardian
'500 words' in Artforum
Interview in Studio International
Cover Image for 'Parallax (Sounding/Thinking)', Vol 23, No 3
'Listen, Recalibrate' review in Art Agenda
'Listen, Recalibrate review in Artforum



A short extract of 'Automamusic' the film is now available online at The Wire: Adventures in Modern Music, to coincide with the cross-platform interview in the September 2010 issue.


Automamusic, film still by Aura Satz, Cibachrome print, 2008

Aura Satz's 'Automamusic' project has at its core a film about mechanical music. Intricate views of self-playing violins, accordions, drums, pianolas, and orchestrions are offset by scenes in which floating musical instruments are played by invisible hands. The film highlights the similarities between the beginnings of musical reproduction in the 19th century and spiritualist invocations of the dead through sound. 'Automamusic' breathes the ghost back into the machine, inhabiting the figurative space between sound and source, when music had not yet become abstracted into the grooves of the gramophone record. In addition to the series of hand-printed cibachrome photographs which recall spiritualist photography, the project includes drawings inspired by early patents for mechanical or hybrid musical instruments (small selection online here).

The film 'Automamusic' was developed with support from Film and Video Umbrella, funded by Arts Council England and Artsadmin, with kind assistance from Film London Artist's Moving Image Network and a special thanks to the Museum of Music Automatons, Seewen, Switzerland.


8 July - 16 August 2008, Preview 9th July 6-9pm
Aura Satz, solo exhibition at Artprojx Space

Weds 16 July 6.30-8.30pm
Andrew Renton (art critic/curator and Director of the Curatorial Programme, Goldsmiths University) in conversation with Aura Satz on the withdrawal of authorship in relation to sound, sound technology and sound art, with live mechanical music performance by Aura Satz.
RSVP required to

Artprojx Space
53 Beauchamp Place
London SW3 1NY
Tel: 020 7584 0717 or

5 August - 3 September 2011

Automamusic photographs included in the group exhibition IN SEARCH OF ALCHEMIC TIMES


Artists: Aura Satz, Charlesworth, Lewandowski & Mann, Jennifer Walshe, Liliane Lijn, Nathan Witt, Peter Lewis and Makiko Nagaya, Rowena Harris, Steven Ounanian, Tom Badley, Unrealised Projects.
Curated by Cecilia Wee.

Thursday - Saturday 12-6pm
Wednesdays by appointment

235 Brompton Road
London SW3 2EP
tel: 07527 640 419

4–7 May 2012, performance on the 5th May 2pm
Group exhibition 'The Sight of Sound', Deutsche Bank VIP Lounge, Frieze Art Fair

Wherever we are, what we hear is mostly noise. When we ignore it, it disturbs us. When we listen to it, we find it fascinating.  
John Cage
Group exhibition including John Cage, Christian Marclay, Jorge Macchi, Jenny C. Jones, David Ellis and Aura Satz.
Selected works feature artists from the Deutsche Bank Collection who reference music in a variety of ways:  as a structural or notational device, a vehicle for chance and improvisation, or as a social platform for communicating identity.  These artists from different generations share a trajectory of using musical forms as a source and framework. The theme underscores Deutsche Bank’s global commitment to supporting art and music, and promoting cultural advancement through the intersecting worlds of ideas and practices.
The historical influence of musical sound on visual artists is immeasurable, but its effect upon form, process, and conceptual art has clearly become more prevalent in modern times.  From Piet Mondrian’s painting, “Broadway Boogie Woogie,” his homage to jazz, to John Cage and Nam June Paik’s experiments with performance-driven work, to real-time musical interactions via satellite, video and digital interfaces, the relationship between the aural and visual arts are continually shape-shifting.

Frieze Art Fair on Randall's Island, Manhattan


23 January - 3 February 2013
Solo retrospective at Blaak 10, as part of the 42nd International Film Festival Rotterdam
curated by Edwin Carels

Spiral Sound Coil (2010) is an immersive psychoacoustic installation. Automamusic (2008) looks at self-playing instruments such as the pianola, wind-up music boxes and organs, filmed at the Museum of Music Automatons in Switzerland. Theremin (2010) is part of a series of videos characterised by their unusual sculptural relation to their performer. Sound Seam (2010) uses microscopic close-ups of gramophone grooves and the anatomy of the ear, while the accompanying music includes wax cylinder recordings and otoacoustic sounds emitted by the ear. Oramics (2011) is a homage to Daphne Oram, pioneer of British Electronic Music and creator of hand-wrought, drawn sound. Vocal Flame (2012) is a sound sculpture made using a Ruben's Tube, an acoustic device that visualises sound as a standing wave of small flames, with music by Steven Severin (of Siouxsie and the Banshees).

Blaak 10 Gallery
Witte de Withstraat 7
3012 BL Rotterdam
The Netherlands

15 February - 11 May 2014
'BOOSTER - Art Sound Machine'
Group exhibition curated by Nik Nowak in conjunction with Marta Herford, Herford Germany

From the barrel organ and the ghetto blaster to the large speaker vehicles at parades or demonstrations, right up to acoustic warfare - regardless of the context in which mobile sound systems are used, we are directly impacted by their equally fascinating and threatening effect. The exhibition "BOOSTER" inquires into the cultural significance of these constructions and their use in the creative arts. Since the start of the 20th century, artists have been producing breathtaking sound machines, again and again stretching the boundaries between different disciplines. The special combination of sculpture, movement and sound takes the visitor into a world that addresses many different senses at once: whether as fragile mechanisms or monumental objects, the mobile sound sculptures generate a pulsating world of (sub)cultural spheres in a choreography of gentle tones and high-volume sounds.
Against a background of spectacular installations and sculptures, the exhibition also traces the global roots of mobile sound systems.

Artists: AUDINT / Toby Heys und Steve Goodman, Massimo Bartolini, Lothar Baumgarten, Benjamin Binder, Katie Callan, Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller, Tamara Grcic, Mark Leckey, Olaf Mooij, Nomadic Sound System / Ben Newland, Nik Nowak, Tintin Patrone, Aura Satz, Wolfgang Tillmans, Jean Tinguely, and more.

Marta Herford
Goebenstr. 2-10
32052 Herford
Tel +49 5221 9944300


13 April - 27 August 2017
'As Above, So below: Portals, Visions, Spirits & Mystics'

Group exhibition at IMMA (Irish Museum of Modern Art), Dublin

Including Hilma af Klint | Kenneth Anger | David Beattie | Nora Berman | Annie Besant | Agnieszka Brzezanska | Alan Butler | James Lee Byars | Cameron | Marcus Coates | Ira Cohen | Ithell Colquhoun | Matt Copson | Stephan Doitschinoff | Hayden Dunham | Stephen Dunne | Susan Hiller | Koo Jeong A. | Alejandro Jodorowsky | Wassily Kandinsky | Rachid Koraichi | Emma Kunz | Frantisek Kupka | Paul Laffoley | Liliane Lijn | Linder | Josiah McElheny | Steve McQueen | Henri Michaux | Pascale Montandon-Jodorowsky | Padraic E. Moore (curatorial advisor) | Bruce Nauman | Austin Osman Spare | Sigmar Polke | The Propeller Group | Patrick Pye | John Russell | Eoghan Ryan | Aura Satz | Suzanne Treister | Grace Weir, amongst others. Curated by Sam Thorne and Rachael Thomas.

A fully-illustrated book is published to accompany the exhibition which features contributions from Erik Davis, Jennifer Higgie, Alejandro Jodorowsky and Pascale Montandon-Jodorowsky, Dr Tina Kinsella, Linder, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Rachael Thomas, Sam Thorne and Maurice Tuchman, amongst others. Price €20 available to buy from the IMMA shop.

Irish Museum of Modern Art
Royal Hospital Kilmainham
Military Rd, Kilmainham
Dublin 8, Ireland


Automamusic, film still by Aura Satz, Cibachrome print, 2008


23 January 2008
Screened with a talk by Aura Satz at the Photographer's Gallery

The Photographer's gallery
6-8 Newport Street
London WC2H 7HY
Free, booking recommended

6 June 2008
was screened as part of Late at Tate Britain: Rehang Artprojx Presents... STILL FILM

A selection of artist's films with a sculptural sensibility. The films share a fixed camera gaze, an inherent quality and lingering effect despite their simplicity. Including films by Matt Calderwood, Ryan Gander, Michael Nyman, Aura Satz, Richard Wilson. Compilation selected by David Gryn, Artprojx.

Tate Britain Auditorium
London (England) SW1P 4RG
tel +44 (0)20 7887 8000
fax +44 (0)20 7887 8008
Free, tickets available on the night, no bookings taken


16-18 January 2009
Screened as part of Museumsnacht, Museum for Music Automatons, Seewen, Switzerland, and Museum of Music, Basel

Also as part of Museumsnacht the Automatic Ensemble will premiere at the Church of St. Leonhard (Basel) and the Museum for Music Automatons (Seewen)

Museum for Musikautomaten,
Sammlung Dr.h c. H. Weiss-Stauffacher
Bollhobel 1
4206 Seewen, Switzerland
Tel. +41 61 915 98 80
Fax +41 61 915 98 90


4 & 5 March 2009
Screened as part of Artprojx Presents... STILL FILM at Site Gallery, Sheffield

A selection of artist's films with a sculptural sensibility. The films share a fixed camera gaze, an inherent quality and lingering effect despite their simplicity. Including films by Matt Calderwood, Louise Camrass, Andrew Cross, Ryan Gander, William Hunt, Michael Nyman, Aura Satz, Richard Wilson.
Compilation selected by David Gryn, Artprojx.

Site Gallery
1 Brown Street
Sheffield S1 2BS
Tel:+44 (0)114 281 2077
Fax:+44 (0)114 281 2078


9 May 2009 16.00-23.00pm
Screened as part of SonicRecycler5

Reduce, Re-use, Recycle
A unique evening of provocative, entertaining and experimental music, presented by Sprawl, Brentford Recycling Action Group and Watermans. SonicRecycler5, the fifth in an annual series, is an event showcasing the many different strands of eclectic ideas in music, and promoting recycling concepts. With performers, DJ's, films, stalls and interactive presentations, it's a packed evening of radical sounds in a lovely Thameside venue, overlooking Kew Gardens - Think: Reduce, Re-use, Recycle.
Films by Aleks Kolkowski & Aura Satz will be shown from 3pm to 4pm at the Musical Museum

Watermans Artcentre
40 High Street, Brentford
London, TW8 0DS


22 - 31 May 2009
Screened as part of Artprojx presents OPERA & STILL-FILM, LOOP festival, Barcelona, Spain

OPERA is a selection of films by contemporary artists who have utilised, investigated and celebrated opera and contemporary classical music. Including films by Alice Anderson, Martha Colburn, Haris Epaminonda, Karen Knorr, Rut Blees Luxemburg, Tania Mouraud, Michelle Naismith, Mariele Neudecker, Jayne Parker, Sophy Rickett, Susanne Winterling.
STILL FILM is a selection of artist's films with a sculptural sensibility. Including films by Matt Calderwood, Louise Camrass, Andrew Cross, Ryan Gander, William Hunt, Michael Nyman, Aura Satz, Richard Wilson.
Compilations selected by David Gryn, Artprojx.

Espai Liceu
Rambla, 51-59
Barcelona, Spain
Tel: +93 485 9900


Friday 22 October 2010
Screened as part of Mikhail Karikis' 'Love Songs for Broken Machines', Kings Place, London

This event is a spectacle of music and video bringing together the hitch and glitch of failed technologies with the humour and romance of love songs. Contemporary vocal trio juice present the English premiere of specially commissioned songs by leading composers and pop artists including Gavin Bryars, Micachu, Dai Fujikura, Phillip Neil Martin, Anna Meredith, Damien Harron, E.laine, Roxanna Panufnik, Errollyn Wallen and Jim Moray. They are joined by Ensemble Scratch the Surface who feature, amongst others, an audiovisual performance for modified piano by pinaist extrodinaire Leon Michener, a (re)construction of hybrid pianos by 'better known as' aka Lemon Drizzle the alter egos of composer Claudia Moliter and pianist Sarah Nicolls and films by visual artist Aura Satz and collective Flat-e.
This event is curated by Mikhail Karikis with Conall Gleeson and juice. Love Songs is a new commission funded by Arts Council England.

Kings Place
90 York Way
London N1 9AG
Tel: 020 7520 1490

31 Jan - 5 Feb 2012
screened with Q&A session as part of Transmediale 2012, In/Compatible video programme, curated by Marcel Schwierin, Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin

Haus der Kulturen der Welt
John-Foster-Dulles-Allee 10
10557 Berlin
Tel 030 397870

18 March 2014
screened at RISK Cinema, alongside Jerome Hiler and John Smith, The Harn Museum, Florida

Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art
3259 Hull Road
Florida 32611-2700


Automamusic, film still by Aura Satz, Cibachrome print, 2008


Aura's article 'Music of its own Accord' is published in Leonardo Music Journal, issue 20, December 2010, including images of 'Automamusic'